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2012-03-02 | 编辑: | 【  】【打印】【关闭





Xiong HW, Liu SJ and Zhan MS, Order parameter and Josephson effect of nonuniform molecular Bose-Einstein condensatesPhys. Rev. A 74,033602(2006) 


Xiong HW, Liu SJ and Zhan MS, Josephson effect and quantum merging of two Bose superfluids, Phys. Rev. B 73, 224505  (2006)


Xiong HW, Liu SJ and Zhan MS, Interaction-induced interference for two independent Bose-Einstein condensates, New J. Phys.8, 245(2006)


Liu M, Wen LH, Xiong HW and Zhan MSStructure and generation of the vortex-antivortex superposed state in Bose-Einstein condensates, Phys. Rev. A73, 063620(2006) 


Liu M, She L, Xiong HW and Zhan MS, Quantum reflection of vortices in Bose-Einstein condensates, Phys. Rev. A 74, 043619(2006)


Xin Shan, Xianping Sun, Jun Luo, Zheng Tan, and Mingsheng Zhan, Free-space quantum key distribution with Rb vapor filters, Appl. Phys. Lett.89, 191121(2006)


Y.Li, H.Jing, and M.S.Zhan, Optical generation of hybrid entangled state via an entangling single-photon-added coherent state, J. Phys. B, 39, 2107(2006)


H. Jing, S. Gu,  and M. Zhan, Coupled atomic-molecular condensates in a double-well potential: decaying molecular oscillations, Eur. Phys. J. D 39, 271(2006)


单欣, 孙献平, 罗军, 詹明生, 自由空间量子通信实验研究与进展, 自然科学进展, 16, 169(2006)


H. P. Liu, S. H. Yin, J. Y. Zhang, L. Wang, B. Jiang, and N. Q. Lou, Femtosecond resonance-enhanced multiphoton-ionization photoelectron spectrum of ammonia, Phys. Rev. A 74, 053418(2006) 


H. P. Liu, Z. G. Sun, S. D. Hogan, and N. Q. Lou, Photodissociation dynamics of CF3I investigated by two-color femtosecond laser pulses, Eur. Phys. J. D  40, 357(2006)


Y.Wu and X.X.Yang, Strong-Coupling Theory of Periodically Driven Two-Level Systems, Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 013601( 2007)


Conference Presentation


Mingsheng Zhan, Spectra of Ba:  isotope shifts and hyperfine splitting of lower states and external field effects of Rydberg statesThe Fifth Joint Meeting of Chinese Physicists Worldwide, June 27-30, 2006, Taipei


Mingsheng Zhan, Success Stories from China: The Road to Quantum ComputingEuroscience Open Forum 2006, 15 - 19 July, Munich, Germany


Mingsheng Zhan, Cold Atom InterferometryThe 2nd International Symposium on Cold Atom Physics, 2006.7.25-27,Qiandaohu, Hangzhou, China


Mingsheng Zhan, Cold Atom Interferometry7th Asian International Seminar on Atomic and Molecular Physics, 4-7th Dec, 2006Chennai,Indian


詹明生,冷原子干涉实验研究,13th 全国原子与分子物理学术会议,2006.4,芜湖




J. Wang , P. Wang, R.B. Li, H. Yan, and M.S. Zhan, Towards Cold-Matter-Wave Sagnac Interferometer: Realization of a Cold Atom Interferometer, 20th International Conference on Atomic Physics, POSTER-A.162, 2006.7.16-21, Innsbruck, Austra


Jin Wang, Towards Bichromatic Photon Switching: Improvement of Bichromatic EIT Signal in Cold Rubidium Atoms, The 2nd International Symposium on Cold Atom Physics, 2006.7.25-27,Qiandaohu, Hangzhou, China


仲嘉琪,余庚华,王谨,詹明生, Ba原子6s5d 3D25d6p3F2能级超精细结构与跃迁同位素位移的实验测量, 中国物理学会秋季学术会议, 20069月,北京


颜辉, C.Garcia-Segundo ,王谨,詹明生, 用PLASMON在芯片表面囚禁原子, 中国物理学会2006年秋季会议, 2006.9.15-17,北京




王谨,涂鲜花,孔令波,江开军,李可,仲嘉琪,徐炳明,全威,刘红平,吕宝龙,詹明生, 相干布局数囚禁冷原子钟, ZL 2004 2 0111238.3, 授权公告日:200628


王谨,涂鲜花,詹明生, 多通道光子开关, 申请号:200610018980.3


徐炳明,王谨,詹明生, 一种单光束磁光阱系统, 申请号:200610124559.0


颜辉,杨国卿,王谨,詹明生, 微型原子陀螺仪, 申请号:200610125027.9


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